Script Instagram Tools ( GramEasy V.4 ) FREE

Script Instagram Tools ( GramEasy V.4 ) FREE
Minggu, 10 Februari 2019


  • Multi Instagram Accounts’ activity
  • Auto activities Logs
  • Many Targets: tags, location, followers, followings, likers, commenters
  • Tags & Locations: Targeting by tags allows you to like and/or comment on media posted under Tags or Locations, and/or follow users who posted those media
  • Followers: allows you to follow users who follow Usernames added in your setting added in your settings (Followers of Usernames), and/or like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Besides, You can also target your own Followers (all users who follow your Instagram account)
  • Followings: allows you to follow users followed by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings (Followers of Usernames), like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Besides, You can also target your own Followings (all users who you are following)
  • Auto post: Photo, Story Photo, and Video, Carousel.
  • Payment system via Paypal and stripe (Separated module, Available with Extended License only)
  • Automatic Image resize to match Instagram’s aspect ratios (Almost for every image)
  • Upload media to post
    Import the media (images, videos) from Cloud Drives (Dropbox, Google Drive)
    Export profiles, page, friends, groups to CSV, Excel, PDF file (Just available with Facebook)
  • Commenters: allows you to follow users who have commented media posted by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings, like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Besides, You can also target your own Likers (all users who have commented on your media posted)
  • Unfollow after x days
  • Unfollow source
  • Activity speed: Activity speed: slow, medium, fast
  • Advanced Filters: Activity speed: Media Age Filter, Media type Filter, Min. likes Filter, Max. likes Filter, Min. comments Filter, Max. comments Filter, Min. followers Filter, Max. followers Filter, Min. followings Filter, Max. followings Filter, User profile Filter, User relation Filter
  • Blacklist: Tags blacklist, Usernames blacklist, Keywords blacklist
    Auto stop: Timer, Likes counter, Follows counters, Unfollows counters, Comments
  • counters, Direct messages counters
    Schedule activity
  • Likers: allows you to follow users who have liked media posted by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings, like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Besides, You can also target your own Likers (all users who have liked your media posted)
  • Login & Signup with Facebook, Google, Twitter
    Secure Password Hashing
    User registration and login system
  • Email notifications (activate, welcome, reset password and payment email)
    Email template easy customizable
  • PHP mail and SMTP Configuration
  • Advanced user and package control options
    Packages Subscription
  • Spintax support
  • Manage schedules with Calendar
  • Save and get a caption
  • Supported SSL
  • Embed code feature
  • System proxies
  • Emoji Support
  • Proxy support
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) search
  • Automatic time zone
  • Multilingual ready
  • Statistics
  • Preview post: Instagram post preview before posting in real
  • Schedule posts: Manage your post schedule with ease
  • Save caption: Save your posts
  • Emojis: Supported a lot of great emojis
  • Spintax: supported spintax to random your comment posted on your accounts on Instagram
    And many more great features


- Upload Files ZIP ke hosting masing-masing
- Extract Files ZIP yang sudah diupload tadi
- Bikin Username & Database Phpmyadmin yang baru
- Lalu Upload Database "gram3z.sql" ke database yang udah dibuat tadi
- Edit File "app/config.php"

define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘enter_db_user’);
define(‘DB_PASS’, ‘enter_db_pass’);
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘enter_db_name’);
define('TIMEZONE', 'Asia/Jakarta');
define('ENCRYPTION_KEY', 'silahkan_random_di_randomkeygen.com_khusus_codeigniter_saja');

KLIK DISINI Untuk Edit Cron nya .

* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - >/dev/null 2>&1

Info Lengkap Cara Pemasangan : KLIK DISINI

- U:
- P: Numair
Thanks To : Here

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